Tips for staying on track during the holidays
Hello beautiful peoples and welcome to this week’s blog post! With the holiday season in full swing I thought I would put together a list of tips to staying healthy this time of year. Not only are we all feasting for nearly the entire month of December, but the cold weather makes it hard to leave the house and stay active. But fear no more, there are a few steps you can take to prevent derailing yourself completely from your wellness goals.
As with other aspects of your fitness journey, it’s helpful to have someone else in it with you to keep you motivated and hold you accountable. Therefore I would recommend involving your friends and family in your pursuit of healthier holidays. Whether it’s an after dinner walk or making snow angels, getting others involved will make it more fun and you’re more likely to be successful.
So let’s get to the tips (in no particular order):
Portion control. This one is important throughout the year but especially doing the holidays when portion sizes become ridiculous. Not only are the foods we eat this time of year more decadent, but in the name of celebration we load up our plates with holiday goodies. Practicing portion control will help you return quickly to your normal routine after the holidays end. Some tips I use to avoid overeating are:
Drink a big glass of water 30 minutes before your meal. This will improve digestion and quell your hunger a bit so that when it comes time to eat you don’t go overboard.
Load your plate up with vegetables first. Not only are they nutritious but they are high volume, meaning they fill you up faster. Once you have loaded up on your greens, go crazy with the other trimmings.
Thoroughly chew your food. This tip has two benefits: 1) chewing your food well greatly improves digestion in the stomach and 2) you are more mindful of how much you are eating when you take the time to chew it well.
Get some movement in. In between meals and tree decorating take some time to get active. Whether it’s a quick at home workout (check out my instagram for dozens of workout ideas) or going outside to play in the snow, there’s always something fun to do. The second part of this tip would be to involve your friends and family. It’s more motivating to workout in a group so why not get others involved. A fun idea would be circuit training. Set up different stations around your house (e.g., push-up station, jumping jack station, crunches station, squat station, etc.) and a time limit. This way, everyone can get involved and it feels like a game. Record the number of reps at each station to make it extra competitive ;)
Try to control your alcohol consumption. The holiday season is a time for festive drinks such as eggnog, mulled wine, spiced cider, and brunch mimosas. I recommend tasting each of these but not going overboard. Most cocktails and flavored drinks are filled with sugar, meaning they spike your energy and then leave you tired and cranky. The last thing you want to be is the Christmas grinch, so practice drinking in moderation with 1-2 drinks a night.
Snacking. This is inevitable with holiday cookies and leftovers always in sight so my recommendation would be to snack on healthier alternatives. December is actually citrus season (in North America and Europe) so take advantage of all the ripe oranges, grapefruits and pomegranate. Also, remember to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. As I mentioned, December is citrus season, so try adding lemons, limes, or oranges to make your water extra festive.
Try fasting the day after the biggest meal. With so many days of decadence, it’s nice to take a break to appreciate how precious food is. The holidays are a time for reflection and to be grateful for what we have, be it our health, our family, the clothes on our back, or all of the delicious food at the table. Taking a day to abstain from eating is good not only for our bodies (the digestive process uses approximately 10% of our body’s energy) but also to reflect on the other important aspects of our lives outside of food. If you are new to fasting, I wrote a very detailed blog post about it here on my website (read it here) with tips on how to fast safely and how to prepare.
Take advantage of the cold and try the WHM. I wrote a blog post about the WHM (Wim Hof Method) a few weeks ago and the benefits the cold brings (read it here). If you’re celebrating the holidays somewhere cold, take advantage and head outside for some fun in the snow :) You could make snow angels, go for a jog, or even build an igloo. Spending time in the cold for just a few minutes a day can help you sleep better, become more alert, improve immunity, and reduce body fat.
Don’t be stressed about it. I’ve saved the best for last. The holidays are a time to be with friends and family and to appreciate all the goodness around you. Don’t get caught up with being the strongest or leanest you can be at this time, you can always get back on track after the season is over. Enjoy the few days with loved ones and treat yourself to some festive goodies.
So what did you all think? Are there any tips or tricks that I left out? What are you most looking forward to this holiday season? Let me know in the comments below and hopefully we can start a thread going!
If you have any future blog post ideas please shoot me a message on Instagram (@alexandratempletonfit) or to my email.
Thanks for stopping by!