Holiday Workout Breakdown + New YouTube Series!
Hola everybody and happy Christmas Eve! I hope that you all are cozied up with friends and/or family enjoying the best this holiday season has to offer. Therefore, I’ll keep this week’s blog short and sweet with a simple breakdown of the holiday workout, an option for a more intense version and a fun announcement of a new series coming to my channel!
Here is the full workout written down I posted last week on my YouTube channel along with a variation of it that is much harder that I’ve been really enjoying lately :D I hope you all enjoy as well!
12 exercises of Christmas:
1 minute of burpees
2 minutes of plank
3 sun salutations
4 chatarunga push-ups
5 Single leg deadlifts
6 Six Downdog to dolphins
7 Supermans + a 7 second hold
8 Single leg glutei bridges + 8 second hold at end
9 Scapular shrugs
10 Wall sit with alternating leg lifts
11 Jump squats
12 banana twists
If you want a more challenging workout try doubling each of the exercises above. Rob and I went through that version a few times and I promise you it’s a killer. Side note, we kept the plank at 2 minutes because that’s already hard enough :D
In other very exciting news, I’ll be launching a new series on my YouTube channel the first week of January to help you get fit in the new year. Each Monday I will upload a full workout and each Thursday there will be a yoga flow to match.
As we are approaching 2020 I thought it would be fun to make the entire workout and yoga flow fit into 20 minutes. You can of course repeat the workout two or three times (and I would encourage you to do so) but the twenty minutes is counting just one time through. You will also be able to repeat the workout + yoga flow every day of the week as it will be quite low impact using just your body weight. I put a lot of thought into this series and designed it also with complete beginners in mind so as long as you have a space, a body and twenty minutes you can do this! Make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel so you can follow along each week with the workouts :) Cheers to a wonderfully healthy and fit new year!
Sending you all warm holiday wishes :)